So Brian my boss sent me home with
this milf-bone the other night�I mean, really? Lucky dog, right?
Her doghouse? Bitchin. A bathtub
to jump in (first adventure), a couch to vault (second adventure), a bed
to bounce (third adventure) and a couch cushion to dry hump (fourth
adventure). She kinda yelled at me for that one�something like, �blah
blah blahBLAH blah blah.� I don�t know�it didn�t sound friendly.
Somebody should muzzle her.
I think she thinks she's smarter than me.
Fed me. Gave me a ball (and by ball I DO mean ball).
Slept with her...first date...I AM
the one and only, original, ALPHA MALE...gettin' a little tail on the
first date. She was so grateful she gave me the air-conditioned side of
the bed�thought that was howlin. She tasted like a giant salt-lick so I
kissed her a lot. And in the morning her breath was ARFUL�I soooooooo
DIG that.
It was all fun and games �til the
peanut butter came out�
As I always rebark, �A little
dog�ll do ya!�